Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Male Email is a Black Hole

Why don't people get this? I mean really. If I had a dime for every important email that someone sent to Dr. Husband that was never, seen, open or heard of I would truly be a very rich woman. Yet these people and companies continue to forget about the US postal service and send important time sensitive documents to his email anyway.
When the bill for something I don't even know about is sent to the collection agency and the letter finally arrives from the postman, I'm like "what the heck?" I call whomever and they say, "we sent your husband multiple emails..."
My eyes begin to roll. Should it even be legal to send bills by email only? Devil's Advocate: Don't we all have some email addresses that are old and we never check. But under most circumstances we only have one permanent physical address and a paper bill is far easier to grasp and pay than a virtual one, sent to my husband, no less.
I would say my husband would be more likely to know what health insurance plan he is on at work, than get an e-bill to me to pay.


Melisa said...

Oh, that stinks! Probably why all of our accounts have MY email. haha!

TheFamousStacie said...

Yea, that's smart. All the student loan stuff and work stuff has Chad's ou school email address. He'll be getting a new one at tn, maybe that will solve some problems!