Thursday, April 1, 2010

What's all the RACKET???

It is not my norm to oblige to a tantrum, but when there is a super cute solution...

Beautiful days force me to the tennis courts. My kids are always up for a game of tennis volley with mom. We were at the gorgeous Beach Town Tennis Courts having a lovely game when Juliet realized that her tennis racket did not have a cover. It had not come with a cover, and I wasn't sure what to tell her. Her tantrum became so extreme that I threw her into the bike trailer and took her home for a nap.

While the tantrum was uncalled for and exhaustion induced, the idea of creating a custom tennis racket cover for Juliet's bare racket was introduced into my mind. And I couldn't turn it off.

Tennis begins with Love.

1 comment:

Elle said...

OH my goodness if I haven't said this before... I am so jealous of your sewing ability... I think it would be amazing to just be able to sew something instead of having to run out and buy it... the first things I would sew Pillows and curtains.... they are just seem so overpriced for what they actually are....

And if I weren't already jealous of your sewing I would totally be jealous of your tennis... I took a tennis classin college... and I am a beginners beginner.... I love to play, but at my age I'm afraid to show up at a tennis club and be playing at the horrible level I do... maybe someday I'll treat myself to lessons :)