Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fat Camp isn’t working out so well; Big a$$

Here I have been exercising my booty off and I have gained 3 pounds and a dress size! Huh!?!

Granted my appetite has been raging and my will to fight off milk chocolate weakened, but really? I’ve devoted the last 21 days to beachifying my bod and I’ve not only hit the wall, but I seemed to have bounced off it like it’s made of rubber.

I know how it works, I have to eat less and exercise more. I can control my eating only when I not working out hard. When I’m working out, MAN, I’m starving!

Maybe I’m a little too focused on my body image right now. When we came home from the gym we turned on some cartoons. In the kitchen I was making lunch and I heard something yell from the TV, “Hey Big a$$!” I’m like, “What the…?”

Then I hear, “Whatcha up to, Big a$$?!” I’m thinkin’ “This is Nick Jr. Network!” I run in to figure out what’s going on and turn off the TV permanently if need be. I see a cartoon on with a dancing blue capitol S, with eyes and legs.

Big S.

1 comment:

SeekerofGrace said...

ROFL! Big S. That's too funny.

About the weight gain - you've surely gained muscle, which weighs more than fat, but you'll burn more calories with it. Your body may be retaining a little water, too, to fight the "she's starving me!" reaction. Hang in there - you WILL get results with diligence!