Saturday, April 10, 2010

North Carolina

I have one goal while we are in NC: get into beach shape. I've got a long summer at the beach to look forward to and I need to start it out right! I got a temp membership at the local Y here, and since I've got nothing else to do, I am going to work out like a .. I don't know, something that works out A LOT... and I am going to drop those pounds of chocolate bars I put on my hips when I reluctantly moved twice in 3 months.

Yes, a new and dramatically improved Stacie will be driving back to Florida come the end of April.

Only Juliet could put a pair of panties on her head and pull it off like a Hollywood Movie Star!

Celebrity Sighting in the NC!

1 comment:

Elle said...

haha... she's going to hate the panties on her head picture when she gets older.... hahahaha