Friday, January 2, 2009

Embrace Chocolate

Okay so we want to get skinny again, but we want chocolate too! So we don’t eat it right? WRONG! Think of someone craving a cigarette that is trying to quit. They stuff everything in their mouth from chips to cupcakes to try to fight the craving, and they often get super fat in the process.
Don’t fight the craving and cut out the middleman (filler-food). If you want chocolate just eat it. Not Reece’s Butter cups or truffles, just some plain milk chocolate like Hershey Kisses or M&Ms. Don’t completely gorge yourself, but keep chocolate around and eat a piece or two when you crave it. Don’t fight the craving and eat two full sheet cakes and a bag of chips to stave off your longing for chocolate!
“Chocolate and cocoa powder are derived from beans that contain hefty quantities of natural antioxidants called flavonoids. The researchers found natural cocoa contains the highest capacity of the antioxidant procyanidin. Antioxidants are thought to be effective in helping to prevent cancer, heart disease, and stroke.”
So it’s official. Eating chocolate, in moderation of course, is GOOD for you!
I’m not a nutritionist or a doctor, just a skinny housewife who has lost the baby weight 3 times. I wish you the best of luck and home that my strategies are helpful to you.

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