Friday, January 9, 2009

Cardio is King (and Counts for Lower Body)

Okay, so, this is where it gets tough. My previous advice is directed toward lifestyle choices, but here is where the hard work comes in. Cardiovascular workout is absolutely the most important advice I can give for losing weight. I recommend fitting in a good cardio work out 3-5 times a week depending on how much weight you want to lose and how quickly. The cardio options that I prefer are:

1. Eliptical Rider – 30 minute on this machine on 10 resistance is a fantastic workout. It’s easy on your knees and kind to the rest of your body.

2. Jogging – 5 minute warm up. 20 minute jog. 5 minute cool down. Not so kind on your knees, but great for preventing osteoporosis! I like jogging because with 3 kids it can be super hard to get out the door and all the way to the gym. I can take off out the door when Chad gets home. I’ll already have dinner cooking. I’ll watch my watch and get back in time to get dinner on the plates. No time lost in transit! And it’s FREE!

3. Walking – 2 miles. This is a very good way to loose LOTS of weight. It’s free and kind on the body, but can get very dull if done alone. I like to meet up with my mom to walk. I have every stroller and stroller combination on the market and can manage to get all kids in strollers being pushed by someone so I can get walking done. It’s fun to chat and walk.

I’m sure there are other great cardio options out there, these are my cardio selections of choice! Oh yes, and if you do these cardio options you are already working out every muscle in you legs sooooooo Lower Body Workout? CHECK!


Melisa said...

I don't have the willpower to do it by myself. And if I don't do it consistently, I'm bad at it. And if I wait for Brad, well, then I just wait forever. So, I signed up for a class at the Y. It is the only way I can get myself to be consistent. lol!

TheFamousStacie said...

That's great! Finding a class can be the best thing ever. Especially if you can make friends and feel obligated to be there! I like abs classes. I have way to many left feet for aerobics. I find it mortifying!