Saturday, April 14, 2012

Carol Costello and Suzanne Malveaux of CNN make my blood boil

For the record, I don't have a problem with moms who choose to work outside the home.  I especially admire widows, single moms, and women with disabled husbands or unemployed husbands who must take on the role of sole provider for the family.  In fact, after having one particular child of mine, I have grown to appreciate the need for some time apart to help our love grow.  Some moms are really unhappy staying at home and that's no good for the children.  Others sacrifice seeing their children in order to provide the child more opportunities or to live more comfortably.

My indignation with Hilary Rosen was fueled by a conversation I heard on CNN between Carol Costello and Suzanne Malveaux:

MALVEAUX: "A lot of us were talking about this, and we were saying wouldn’t it be great if you had the choice, you know, if you didn’t have to actually go out and work? Everybody kind of wants that choice. They feel like if they could stay home, a lot of people would stay home and --"

COSTELLO: "If you asked Hilary Rosen, she would say that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Ann Romney doesn’t have to go outside -- "

MALVEAUX: "It’s a luxury to be able to choose."

Now ME:  Luxury my foot! It is not a luxury to stay home with my 4 children; far from it.  In our home we cancelled cell phones and cable when I quit my full-time job.  We can only afford to eat meat once a week.  I have had to resort to making my own laundry detergent to make ends meet. I make a lot of our clothes and what I haven't made, of mine and Chad's is around 15 years old.  My everyday sneakers are my mom's old hand-me-downs.  I went a year riding my bike pulling the kids behind on a trailer (bike trailers are great for bringing home groceries btw).  Much of the food we eat came from my garden plot at a city park. To put it in perspective: my husband's job makes so little we qualify for public assistance, yet I still find a way to make it work.  I realize that many mothers work because they want to live more comfortably than that, but it is still a choice they are making.  No one says you must have cable, a cell phone, drive a car, or wash with Tide.

It is not only rich women staying home with their kids.  Where there's a will there's a way, but it's no luxury!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So with you. I knew we were friends for a reason! You are one awesome woman, mother, wife and friend!! I miss you!!