Monday, January 18, 2010

Adam and Eve

I was teaching the 12-15 year old Sunday school class yesterday, the subject of the lesson being “The Fall of Adam.” We discussed the serpent beguiling Eve and her partaking of the fruit. Next, after consulting my teaching manual, I asked the question, “Why did Adam then partake of the fruit when Eve brought it to him, even though he knew it was forbidden?”

The manual led me to believe I would receive answers such as “He realized Eve would be cast out of the garden, and they were commanded to multiply and replenish the earth” and “It would give them the ability to make righteous choices.”

As I looked expectantly at my class for answers, one of the 14-year-old boys threw up his hand and exclaimed, “Because she was naked.”


SeekerofGrace said...

ROFL... 14 or 40, I'm surprised we don't hear that more often! ;o)

Unknown said...

One of Art Linkletter's kids has gotten a little older.