Tuesday, January 6, 2009

If You've Got 'Em Milk 'Em

Breastfeeding has got to be the easiest way on Earth to burn a ton of calories (up to 500 with a single birth) just sitting there. If you have a baby and you don’t nurse you are giving yourself a double wammy. Formula costs a fortune AND doesn’t burn any calories. If for whatever wackadoodle reason you decide not to nurse at least pump and feed or pump and donate the milk. Choosing not to breastfeed is a dietary shot in the foot. The body natural removes the weight with the help of breastfeeding. I’m mean really, if you aren’t going to breastfeed give up the diet now, because anyone serious about getting skinny would milk the boobs to all get out.
Breastfeeding mothers have lower rates of certain cancers (breast, ovarian, uterine, and endometrial) as well as a reduced risk of osteoporosis. Also, "Women who were breastfed as infants, even if only for a short time, showed an approximate 25% lower risk of developing premenopausal or postmenopausal breast cancer, compared to women who were bottle-fed as an infant." (Freudenheim, J. "Exposure to breast milk in infancy and the risk of breast cancer." Epidemiology 1994 5:324-331)
Breastfeeding encourages uterine contractions after childbirth, returning the uterus to it's pre-pregnancy size much faster. It has been shown that the uteruses of formula feeding mothers sometimes never return to the pre-pregnancy state.
Breastfeeding also: Boosts prolactin (a hormone that enhances feelings of nurturing and contentment) levels, speeds up post-partum weight loss and helps child spacing.
Breastfeeding is easier and less time consuming. There is no preparation involved, and you don't have to prepare, warm, or transport bottles.
Breastfeeding is your BFF!

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