Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Poor Cougar, poor poor Cougar

I am quite tempted to send the parent's of the kid that knocked Cougar down on the playground a bill. That wouldn't be very nice of me would it? People just don't do that right?! Half kidding here.
 It was just an accident.  Unfortunately, he will miss the last half of the baseball season.  We paid for the whole season, I should add that to the bill.... He won't get to play the song he has worked so hard to memorize for his piano recital.  No swimming at the beach, or the pool.  Ho hummm


Taryn said...

COUGAR AND REAGAN MATCH!!!!!!!! Sorry Cougar Man.... broken bones right before swim season are totally unfair!! Hang in there kid.... it might be one of many! Sorry Mom! ;)

TheFamousStacie said...

Oh you are right!! Too bad you are so far, they could commiserate together.

Elissa said...

I think a broken bone is part of every boys growing up, like a rite of passage. Accidents are just going to happen (as long as that is what it was). Hope he heals up faster than expected!! :-)