Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rising from the Vortex

It's been a rough week, to say the least. Chad and I both lost our grandfathers and our pregnancy this week.

The hardest part about times like these is pulling up from the nose dive; trying to change the direction of the life flow.

I feel like one of those cartoons with my heels in the ground melting and burning my shoes as I'm pulled in a direction I do not want to go, but with no power to stop.

As insult to injury, while all this has been going on, our family has had the flu. Now that I'm beginning to heal and feel deeply out of control, I have decided that I may not be able to keep family members from dying, but that I'm tired of getting sick. I will control my own destiny and I refuse to get sick any more!

Chad says that's like saying that I refuse to see another cloudy day.

Maybe, but today I am taking a trip to the pharmacy to by multivitamins (which I already take everyday), vitamin C, tons of hand sanitizer, orange juice and … well, I don't know what else.

What else should I get on my quest to take control and never get sick again?


Patty said...

Hope things are better in your house and I am so sorry for your loss!!!

I would buy some Vitamin C with Zinc and drink some warm water with lemon every morning... :) maybe it helps! :)

SeekerofGrace said...

I drink green tea like no other when I'm feeling sick or trying to avoid getting sick, and I take echinacea, zinc, & vitamin C for immunity protection. I'm sorry you had a rough week. You are in my prayers. <3

Lindsey F. said...

I am so sorry. I lost a boy at 22 weeks, it is a very sad and difficult thing to go through- time is what healed me. I hope things get better for you!