Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Approaches

As Easter approaches I am finalizing all the details of what to wear and whatnot. Juliet's dress is done. Yay! If I can have my kids looking nice at church twice a year I am happy.


SeekerofGrace said...

So pretty! My mom always sewed my easter dress when I was little. I have 1 (almost 2) boys - I'm not even going to attempt making them easter clothes. I wouldn't even know where to start! LOL

Life of a Doctor's Wife said...

What a sweet dress! So pretty and spring-y!

Elle said...

Julia's dress is so charming!

Growing up easter Sunday was always my favorite Sunday to dress up for church, b/c I got to wear a hat and little white gloves... so fun!

Cheryl said...

Oh, such a pretty little girl in such a pretty dress.