Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Blip

It was raining the day we left Knoxville ... (sounds like the start of a movie)... For a year and a half we anticipated our lives there. In three months, our lives there began and ended. That wasn't anticipated.

And here we go on our trek to our new lives in Florida. I reflect on the folks I met that were so kind and had such potential for life long relationships - if only we'd had a little more time to get to know one another...

Maybe we will stay friends with some of those we got to know, but most will probably fit in the category of ships passing in the night. But for a rare few, that's what typically happens anyway, no matter how long you live somewhere.

For whatever reasons our Heavenly Father's plan for us included a pit stop in Knoxville; time will tell why, I am sure. While I am sad to leave, I have no doubt that we are supposed to be in Florida now.

Like a blip on the radar of Knoxville, we popped up for a second and now we are gone, with little trace we were ever there.


okm0251 said...

Vaya con Dios...

Melisa said...

That is so wonderful that you get to stay together! Did your house sell or rent already?

Cheryl said...

With the way things worked out, you were meant to be in Fla.

Elissa said...

Stacie- I am lovin' on your blog. Well we are still here in Knoxville for another year (the final year of 5 in Gen. Surgery!!). Isn't it funny where God allows us to cross paths with others. We never knew we'd end up here in Knoxville (being from Nebraska and all), but we have enjoyed it too. As I said we'll be off to Charlotte, NC next year and only there for two years and then finally done with all the training!! Wishing you happiness and growth in the coming years!

Elissa said...

Not sure if my other comment posted?